London Showroom closed from 26/03 to 01/04 for renovation.
Verhaal Manufacture
Panel of the Jawhara Collection
The Jawhara collection features six unique connecting patterns. Each Zellige tile is chiselled by hand with the intricate Ciselé technique, paying tribute to Morocco’s rich history of tile work and artistic heritage.
تَتَضَمَّن مَجْمُوعَة ”جَوْهَرَة“ ستَّة زُخْرُفَات فريدة من نوعها مُتَّصِلَةً بِبَعْضُهَا البَعْضٍ. يَتمُّ نَحْت كُلِّ بَلاطة يَدَوِيًّا بتَقْنِيَّة ”سِيزَلِي“ المُعَقَّدَة، تَكْرِيمًا لتَارِيخ المَغْرِب الغَنِيِّ في فُنُون البلاط والتراث الفني.
Jawhara collection VHE
Jawhara collection  VHD
Jawhara collection VHB
Jawhara collection VHF
Jawhara collection VHC
Jawhara collection VHA

The Jawhara Ciselé Zellige tiles collection

Mosaic Factory presents Jawhara, a beautiful range of Ciselé Zellige tiles designed by Dubai-based AD100 Studio Verhaal.
تُقدِّم موزايك فَاكْتُورِي مَجْمُوعَة ”جَوْهَرَة“، وهي تَشْكِيلَة مُبْهِرَة من بَلاط الزليج المنقوش، بتَصميم من استوديو فِرْهَال في دبي الذي أدْرِجَ ضمن قَائِمَة AD ١٠٠

“Jawhara means ‘jewel’ in Arabic, embodying the craftsmanship and precious nature of this tile range. It symbolizes the cultural significance of Middle Eastern jewellery, honouring the strength and legacy of the women who shaped these traditions. Each tile is a treasured work of art, akin to cherished jewels of the past.”

Neydine Bak, Founder of Verhaal.

Founder Verhaal

” ’جَوْهَرَة‘ بالعربية ، تَجسِد حِرفِيَّة وقيمة هذا النوع من البلاط. إنَّها تَرْمُز للأهمِّيَّة الثَّقافيَّة لمَجُوهَرات الشَّرق الأوسَط، وتُكرِّم قُوَّة وإرث النِّساء اللواتي أَسْهَمْنَ في تَشكيل هذه التَّقاليد. كلُّ بَلاطة هي عَمَل فَنِّي ثَمِين، تَشْبَه الجَوَاهِر الثَّمِينَة من المَاضِي.“

نَادِين بَاك ، مؤسِّسة استوديو فِرْهَال

The VERHAAL zellige colour range

The Verhaal & Mosaic factory collaboration also featured four new Zellige colours, including two plum tones, chosen to embody maternal love and familial bonds, as well as mink and chartreuse. Mink, with its soft, neutral tones, reflects the quiet elegance of the Middle East, grounding the design in tradition. Chartreuse, a vibrant green, symbolises growth and renewal, injecting energy and a fresh modernity into the collection.

Jawhara colour VH2
Jawhara colour VH1
Jawhara colour VH3
Jawhara colour VH4